
Environmental sustainability policy statement

Evenbreak are committed to delivering our service in a sustainable way with minimum impact on the environment.

All our team work from home – we have no central office building. We do not have company cars.

Where possible, team members are encouraged to use public transport for events, team away days and customer meetings; although we await the day that public transport is fully accessible to all disabled people in order for this to happen consistently. Most customer meetings are held online using Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Our major environmental impact at Evenbreak comes from our technology use (laptops & desktops) Whilst this has an environmental impact, it has enabled us to recruit disabled people from all over the UK and has allowed us to create job opportunities which would not exist if we worked in a centralised office.

We have calculated the carbon footprint of all the IT equipment used by the team (rounded up to 1.5 tCO2) and offset that by funding projects via

We do not produce one-time-use plastic corporate gifts and we source promotional items and gifts from ethical companies such as Social Supermarket. Where no appropriate product is available we purchase recycled or sustainable products. When we send out corporate gifts we use biodegradable packing and packing peanuts.

We actively support other social enterprises and ethical brands. We buy locally wherever possible.

We are committed to using recycled materials for all future print needs.

We discourage printing of materials by team members and work in close collaboration to avoid unnecessary waste of both time and effort.

We do not generate any commercial waste.

When onboarding, our sustainability statement is included in the team welcome pack.

Evenbreak operate a policy of continuous improvement to ensure that we are constantly reviewing issues such as waste and environmental impact. We welcome feedback from all stakeholders.