The only global disability job board run by and for people with lived experience of disability.
Jobs for disabled candidates with inclusive employers across the UK
Our employers recognise the benefits of employing disabled people.
They want your talent.
They advertise on Evenbreak to ensure they attract disabled candidates to jobs in a wide range of sectors, at all levels.
Sectors including finance, legal, tech, media, hospitality, retail and more.
From entry-level and graduate jobs to senior and professional vacancies
Search for jobs using location, sector or role, complete your profile and set up job alerts to find jobs with inclusive employers in the UK.
Browse jobs by:
Browse jobs by:
- Crown Dependencies 13
- England 4257
- Northern Ireland 101
- Scotland 274
- Wales 131
Browse jobs by:
- Apprentice 163
- Assistant 480
- Associate 112
- Driver 168
- Manager 1105
- Manual Skilled 196
- Professional 499
- Senior Executive 593
- Specialist 179
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Career advice and resources
Why all candidates should visit the Career Hive
Packed full of resources written from a disability point of view - find out why the Career Hive can help you with your job search.
5 reasons you're a premium candidate
How to show employers you are the one to hire.
What's your job search strategy?
A job search strategy can help you save time and make the most of your efforts. Read our top tips to creating a job search strategy that makes you the one to hire!
About Evenbreak
Evenbreak is the only global disability job board run by and for people with lived experience of disability.
Disabled candidates or those with long-term health conditions can find work opportunities with inclusive companies who will value their skills.
Inclusive employers can attract and find more talented disabled candidates.
As well as the job board, Evenbreak also provides training, consultancy and a Best Practice Portal for employers, and a Career Hive for candidates. Everything is designed and delivered by disabled people.
Advertise with us
Struggling to attract talent? 82% of disabled candidates tell us they're less likely to apply for roles on mainstream boards. Reach candidates from entry-level through to C-suite with Evenbreak.